Yes, I know. Long time no speak! It is May and I haven't wrote on here in a while. I decided to update my blog as someone asked to read my blog and I realised that whats the point if it hasn't been updated. So here I am.
Over the past couple of months, I have celebrated (ish) my 3rd Diaversary with the obligatory cake made by my mother...! I have started my GCSE exams, which are super scary as I know that after I have sat them, my high school life is officially finished and scary college is just around the corner. My levels haven't been too bad during the exams, so Im hoping that they will stay that way. We have booked a holiday for August and we are going to Turkey, I cannot wait. The only thing I have never tried before is going on holiday whilst being Type One, so we will see how that goes!
I will try to update more often, but I can never promise anything haha!
Lots of Love,
The Ginger Type One x
The Ginger Type One
A diary of a 15 year old Type One diabetic.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Saturday, November 8, 2014
World Diabetes Day 2014
Hello fellow Type Ones!
(Two posts in one day...what?!)

World Diabetes Day is approaching fast, and its time to start fundraising (if you haven't already)! At school, my house Athena have had to choose a charity to raise money for, and I put forward JDRF as it seemed most appropriate. Because JDRF is now our chosen charity, I have organised a "Type Onsie Day" on Friday 14th November (WDD). I have also got to present what JDRF is, what is Type One Diabetes, explain about the symptoms ..blah blah blah. I felt really confident at the time, but now that the assembly is next week I'm starting to feel really nervous. Oh....and I a haven't planned what I'm going to say yet either...yay! So yes, Jasmin the stress-ball is trying to raise money for WDD and I hope you all are too. Comment below what/how you are raising money as I would LOVE to know. I will keep you posted and updated on how well/badly the assembly went. (Eeekk! I'm so nervous..)
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
5 Days to Go...
Hello everyone!
Okay, so my new sensor that had to be replaced after only 3 days has been working perfectly! 2 weeks has flown by really fast, and my monitor has told me that there is 5 days left until a new sensor needs to be inserted. I'm happy to say that I will be continuing the use of the FreeStyle Libre as I have absolutely fell in love with it. I haven't had to prick my finger hardly at all, only on occasions where I have felt Hypo, and I wanted to double check on my FreeStyle Insulinx. The FreeStyle Libre has given me so much freedom as testing my blood sugar doesn't take over my day, all I have to do is swipe! After showing my new device to teachers, my science teacher replied with "Now THAT is what technology is for." and she is right, thanks to technology, my fingers will no longer be sore and I can go about my day a little less pain free. So I urge you all to look into buying a starter pack to see how you get along with it, as I personally think it makes my life a whole lot easier.
Lots of love,
The Ginger T1 x
Okay, so my new sensor that had to be replaced after only 3 days has been working perfectly! 2 weeks has flown by really fast, and my monitor has told me that there is 5 days left until a new sensor needs to be inserted. I'm happy to say that I will be continuing the use of the FreeStyle Libre as I have absolutely fell in love with it. I haven't had to prick my finger hardly at all, only on occasions where I have felt Hypo, and I wanted to double check on my FreeStyle Insulinx. The FreeStyle Libre has given me so much freedom as testing my blood sugar doesn't take over my day, all I have to do is swipe! After showing my new device to teachers, my science teacher replied with "Now THAT is what technology is for." and she is right, thanks to technology, my fingers will no longer be sore and I can go about my day a little less pain free. So I urge you all to look into buying a starter pack to see how you get along with it, as I personally think it makes my life a whole lot easier.
Lots of love,
The Ginger T1 x
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Hiya guys.....
Ok, so as you all know since Monday I have been using the FreeStyle Libre sensor and unfortunately it hasn't been working. It should normally only take 24hrs to calibrate with your body, but this sensor didn't want to cooperate. After so many finger pricks to try and match up the readings, I had enough. My mum phoned up Abbotts and explained what was happening, and they suggested to swipe 5 times on the FreeStyle Libre and to finger test 5 times on my FreeStyle Insulinx,; here were the readings:
FreeStyle Libre
1. 9.0 > ( > = meaning changing slowly)
2. 9.0 >
3. 9.0 >
4. 9.0 >
5. 9.0 >
FreeStyle Insulinx
1. 10.8
2. 11.8
3. 11.1
4. 10.8
5. 10.4
As you can see from these results, they were far out. So what we came to the conclusion was that I had a faulty sensor. Trust me to have a faulty sensor!! So, I had to take the sensor off and put a new one on :( I wasn't happy as it took me so much courage to put the first one on, now after only 3 days I had to take it off a insert a new one!! ( The new sensor hurt me more than the first one :( owieee ..) So now Abbotts are sending a new sensor in replacement for the one I lost. Now even before the 24hr mark my levels are closer together than they have been over the past 3 days :) Just swiped my arm and received a 11.7 and then finger tested and received a 11.6 !!!! I'm so happy..!
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
Ok, so as you all know since Monday I have been using the FreeStyle Libre sensor and unfortunately it hasn't been working. It should normally only take 24hrs to calibrate with your body, but this sensor didn't want to cooperate. After so many finger pricks to try and match up the readings, I had enough. My mum phoned up Abbotts and explained what was happening, and they suggested to swipe 5 times on the FreeStyle Libre and to finger test 5 times on my FreeStyle Insulinx,; here were the readings:
FreeStyle Libre
1. 9.0 > ( > = meaning changing slowly)
2. 9.0 >
3. 9.0 >
4. 9.0 >
5. 9.0 >
FreeStyle Insulinx
1. 10.8
2. 11.8
3. 11.1
4. 10.8
5. 10.4
As you can see from these results, they were far out. So what we came to the conclusion was that I had a faulty sensor. Trust me to have a faulty sensor!! So, I had to take the sensor off and put a new one on :( I wasn't happy as it took me so much courage to put the first one on, now after only 3 days I had to take it off a insert a new one!! ( The new sensor hurt me more than the first one :( owieee ..) So now Abbotts are sending a new sensor in replacement for the one I lost. Now even before the 24hr mark my levels are closer together than they have been over the past 3 days :) Just swiped my arm and received a 11.7 and then finger tested and received a 11.6 !!!! I'm so happy..!
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
Monday, October 27, 2014
I Am Officially Part Robot
Hey guys!
So....my FreeStyle Libre arrived today..and it is GREAT! I got off on a rocky start as I felt super nervous. But once I had inserted the sensor, I just laughed because I didn't feel a thing! I filmed the box opening and the preparation for insertion which I would like to share with you guys :) Enjoy!
Here is the direct YouTube link if you can't see the video on my blog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia7uvSTee6k&feature=youtu.be
Loads of Love,
The Ginger T1 x
So....my FreeStyle Libre arrived today..and it is GREAT! I got off on a rocky start as I felt super nervous. But once I had inserted the sensor, I just laughed because I didn't feel a thing! I filmed the box opening and the preparation for insertion which I would like to share with you guys :) Enjoy!
Here is the direct YouTube link if you can't see the video on my blog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia7uvSTee6k&feature=youtu.be
Loads of Love,
The Ginger T1 x
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Jasmin is becoming part robot?!?
Hey guys!
This blog title may confuse you, so let me explain...
I've been really struggling with controlling my diabetes recently, levels have been extremely high and I haven't been able to cope. I had a major breakdown after I came home to find my DSN sitting in my lounge. My mum had called her to help me sort out my levels, I'm thankful that she did but at the time I was just so distraught.
Anyway, I've been able to get my levels mostly in single figures all this week which I am really proud of. So, basically I have written this post to tell you about this new CGM that was only put on the market in Septemeber of this year called "FreeStyle Libre" which is a CGM that requires no finger prick testing, all you have to do is swipe the CGM (which is inserted on your arm) with the Freestyle Libre monitor and it records your glucose reading just like that! How cool?! So I've ordered a starter pack today to give it a go, and I'll give you guys an update when I get to use it.
This blog title may confuse you, so let me explain...
I've been really struggling with controlling my diabetes recently, levels have been extremely high and I haven't been able to cope. I had a major breakdown after I came home to find my DSN sitting in my lounge. My mum had called her to help me sort out my levels, I'm thankful that she did but at the time I was just so distraught.
Anyway, I've been able to get my levels mostly in single figures all this week which I am really proud of. So, basically I have written this post to tell you about this new CGM that was only put on the market in Septemeber of this year called "FreeStyle Libre" which is a CGM that requires no finger prick testing, all you have to do is swipe the CGM (which is inserted on your arm) with the Freestyle Libre monitor and it records your glucose reading just like that! How cool?! So I've ordered a starter pack today to give it a go, and I'll give you guys an update when I get to use it.
Here is the link to their website : http://www.freestylelibre.co.uk/
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
Saturday, August 30, 2014
The Bad Blogger RETURNS..
Hi guys!
Okay I can explain (sort of) why I haven't been posting..its been a hectic few months. I should probably tell you what I've been up to as well.
Okay I can explain (sort of) why I haven't been posting..its been a hectic few months. I should probably tell you what I've been up to as well.
- GCSE exams - Last time I posted (3 months ago.. sorry!) I was in the middle of my English Literature and Biology GCSE and it was super stressful to say the least. I got my results back during the 6 week holiday and passed both of them, so I am beyond happy.
- Clinic - My Hba1c had lowered from 7.0 to 6.8 !! I was e x t r e m e l y happy. My levels had been running a bit too high but I was also having lots of hypos (one week I managed to have about 10 hypos.) Oh and Clinic informed me that in December I have to have my annual bloods done..I wasn't a happy bunny. But they did make me laugh; they gave me two dates to choose from for my annual bloods.. the 17th of December OR the 24th of December...Christmas Eve?!? You can probably guess which date I took.
- Wembley Stadium - It's not diabetes related but hey that is what I got up to during May time :)
- SUMMER - It's been pretty hectic as well. Summer is almost over now :c but during the 6 weeks I met up with friends and went to VFestival with my two best friends. It was literally the highlight of my summer! We all had so much fun and for once diabetes was playing nicely (its about time it started to behave.)
So that is basically what I have been getting up to..and now I shall try and post more, even if it is only once a month..but I am going to aim to post more than that.
Loads of Love,
The Ginger T1 x
Monday, May 19, 2014
5am Hypos...
Heya guys!
Don't you always find that hypos come up when they really aren't necessary ?! I've got a long week ahead of me as I have GCSE's to sit and various other things, and a few more hours of sleep on a Monday wouldn't go amiss...but no. 5am and I am currently up eating jelly babies trying to keep my levels up..but they are not doing as they're told ;_;
Oh well..at least the jelly babies are nice :3 !
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
Saturday, March 22, 2014
36k+ Views!
Hello everyoneeee :D !
I'm in a SUPER good mood as we reached over 36 thousand views..and it's all because of you guys! I never thought that this blog would get as many views, and I'm glad that I can help and support others with Type One.
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
I'm a bad blogger.
Hey guys!
So at the beginning of the year...I kind of promised that I would post more frequently, and it's almost the end of March and I haven't updated for you guys, so I'm sorry!
So here's what has happened:
So at the beginning of the year...I kind of promised that I would post more frequently, and it's almost the end of March and I haven't updated for you guys, so I'm sorry!
So here's what has happened:
- In February I went for my Hba1c and it had risen form 6.4 to 7.0 which was quite a rapid increase. My DSN and consultant seemed to think that this rapid increase was due to my pancreas coming out of honeymoon period :( . So they increased my ratios to 1.5u per 10g of carbs and raised my Lantus to 17. At the start my levels kept on dropping low and it felt weird injecting more than I have done before. Now that my body has got used to having lower figures and injecting more, I've found the right balance. I'm having more hypos that I have done previously, but I'm sure that won't be a problem.
It's no excuse, but I've had GCSE exams and controlled assessments recently so I just haven't had the time to blog, but I will try and make more of an effort!
Loads of love,
The Ginger T1 x
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